the world´s only still seagoing
Historical Ship
~ s/v Schooner Hoppet (Hope) 1926

ADVENTURES since 1926:

⚓ Our Services [click pdf] ⚓
⚓ Port Of Old Schooner [click pdf] ⚓
⚓ Hoppet FACEBOOK [link] ⚓
⚓ Hoppet INSTAGRAM [link] ⚓
⚓ YOUTUBE channel [link] ⚓

⚜ Special Garage Club – Classic & Historic Cars [FB link] ⚜

Trip to little island (pdf) 

The only still seagoing Estonian pre-war historical ship built in Estonia ~ The Most Beautiful Ship of the Republic ~ The 98-year-old schooner Hoppet invites you on board in Baltic Sea, island of Saaremaa and Pärnu capital of summer, for cultural and awarded taste journeys. The magnificent schooner was originally built as a cargo ship in the village of Spitham in Estonia coast line in 1925-1926, shipbuilders from coastal named it Hoppet, which means “Hope” in Swedish.
The ship’s renovation and international cultural projects got sidetracked, and the ship is back in Estonian waters and new winds are blowing to offer the desired service, experience cruises and the opportunity to go on board and smell the salty sea air together and feel Estonian coastal life and maritime history, when ships were made of wood and men were made of iron.

The Republic Sailing Association and the ship’s crew thank everyone who visits us – this is how you support us
keeping up Estonia’s only pre-war historic ship still sailing today, through which you help preserve the country’s maritime culture and traditions.

~ ADVENTURES since 1926 ~
What to do in archipelago, Saaremaa island or Pärnu? Do you planning corporate outings? What is attractions in Kuressaare city? When did you visited any little islands?

… of which cannot be experienced even all over the entire Baltics.
Day trips to little island. Bay cruises with sain & dine. Concerts at sea. Sunset cruises. Stylish anniversaries with a historical atmosphere, anniversaries, weddings, meetings for foreign guests, castle view from sea, outings with the company team & summer days, motivational rides and workshops ~ an event under historical sails. Class excursions, children’s and youth camps. Canoe trips. We travel in time and space!

Day cruises, Summer days and corporate outings, Seminars, Private trips, Little island Ancient forest, Sunset concerts, Weddings on the sea onboard, Coastal and Local islanders Superfresh Gourmet, Excursion and tours in a old truck, Bonfire nights, Youth camps, Class excursions, Maritime education, Sea rescue exercises, Trainings, Workshops, Summer days for institutions, companies, Team Motivation trips , Gatherings, Funeral services at sea, Celebration of anniversaries, birthdays and jubilees, Canoe trips, Gun Shooting Range practice.

With us, it is convenient to organize a day visit to a small island, where the whole group is on board at the same time (no separating the group with boats, etc.), it creates more quality time to keep your team together. Small islands can be conveniently explored on foot, by bicycle or by old open truck. Departures take place from the heart of the city Kuressaare, Castle park from ”Raiekivi Säär”. The ship is registered in the ship register and has a passenger ship certificate, equipped with the necessary modern crew, rescue equipment and navigation equipment according to the requirements of the international maritime safety convention. The team is also trained in sea rescue and engages in preventive activities.

The 2-masted schooner can take onboard up to 50 passengers for day cruises, oboard a resto-saloon called KuldAnkur (GoldenAnchor) (which is also open by prebooking in winter for gatherings and receptions for about 20 persons). Organic and wild forest and seafood menu, as well as Scandinavian coastal food – all authentic ingredients that we cook on board an historic ship. There is also a nice bar area open on board, with only cool stuff and award-winning schnapps from both land and sea, where we offer the island’s craft gins, our own artisan ciders, local craft bear as well as good drinks that have won awards all over the world. The ship has its own Officers Gin, Schooners Kvass, Boatswain Homebeer and Mermaid Cider and Viking Rhubarb scnapps as a local Saaremaa craft product. The captain of the ship himself is responsible for the kitchen and menu of provisions, or the ship’s language the galley, who has delivered in this area all over the world from Hawaii to Vietnam and from Cuba to Sicily and from Colombia to Scandinavia, but at the moment the main focus is on the activities of the coastal people and the use of genuine local raw materials. In addition, we can also offer top-level experience catering, even in the countryside, in the forest or in nature. The provisions we offer are not prepared from semi-finished products or prepared in the freezer. The entire menu is personally prepared for each customer group on the same day directly and from freshly and authentically prepared raw materials from local small businesses and farms on the islands, as well as the wildly delicious produce provided by the local forest and sea. We try to ensure that fresh fish arrives only a few hours before the customer’s arrival. You can’t find such a fresh and personal approach anywhere else.

  Real Saaremaa Island Quality Label.
(this is a label that indicates the regional origin of the product or service – the product or service has been made in the environment of Saare and Muhumaa’s clean nature, with the work and experience of local people).

⚓ Schoonee Hoppet – “Estonian Best Tourism Object 2019” III-place Estonian Travel and Tourism Association at  TOUREST 2020 tourism fair.
⚓ Saare County best product and service at 2020.
⚓ West Estonian Best Tourism Developer 2020 III-rd place.
⚓ Good Initiative Annual price 2019, nominee 2020, 2021 (Saaremaa County Non Prof Org annual awards)
⚓ ETFL Annual Best Maritime Act 2020.
⚓ Saare County Educational Updates 2021 nominee
⚓ County Best Sea Rescue Prevention 2021
⚓ Food & Travel magazine: the best and most intresting food experience at this area County islands 2023
⚓ Echappées Belles France TV5 Island and Estonian tour ”The Pearl of the Baltics” 2023 /
⚓ TV3 Estonian Food Exploring food tv show  Full show

(Our services have also been recognized with the EHE label (Genuine and Interesting Estonia – is an ecotourism quality label that recognizes and markets nature-friendly and environmentally sustainable tourism products and services offered in rural areas). GreenKey label is under development.

Our Republic Sailing Ship Association and the ship’s crew thank everyone who visits us – this way you support the keep operational Estonia’s only pre-war historical sailing ship still sailing today, through which you help preserve the country’s maritime culture and traditions.

Estonian Travel and Tourism Association, Estonian Rural Tourism, Visit Saaremaa, Kuressaare city, Saaremaa county, Puhka Eestis, Visit Estonia, Saarte Kalandus, Saare Arenduskeskus, Saarte Koostöökogu, EASi ja Kredexi Ühendasutus, EAS Enterprise Estonia, Destination Pärnu, Visit Pärnu, Estonian Nature Tourism Association, Tourest Tourism Fair,

ps! The new homepage is under construction.
So meanwhile you are also welcome to visit for our events and updates at our Facebook ja and Instagram

If you have additional questions about how we can make your event special – write to us or calling ship line 372 56-606-717

mida teha Saaremaal, mida teha lastega Saaremaal, Abruka suwitajate purjelaevareisid Kuressaarest. Suvepäevad, Klassieskursioonid, loodusmatkad, Noortelaagrid, corporate events, Merereis, visitsaaremaa, purjekas, gurmee merel, Peoruum, Purjetamine Sailing Saaremaa sail&dine Seminar Tähtpäev Juubel Pulmad Koolitus töötoad, workshop, Rent a yacht, castle yacht harbour sail & dine | Hoppet | Purjetamine sailing Tallinn Bay | Suvepäevad